Category: Theology

  • God Is by Mark Jones (Crossway, 2017)

    A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God What do we really say when we speak of God? It is a wonder that we can say anything about him, and yet he commands us to do so and to do it truly and well (Loc 2955, Kindle). Far from being mere high-end theology for those…

  • How Does Sanctification Work? David Powlison’s book is a gem!

    How Does Sanctification Work? by David Powlison; published by Crossway, 2017. David Powlison does a remarkable job of explaining how sanctification works in the daily life of a Christian. He is careful to make the reader aware that there is no magic bullet, no formulaic definition, or no once-and-done experience that the Bible defines that…

  • Reading the Bible Spiritually is reading the Bible properly

    John Piper is meticulous… in very good ways. He is careful to communicate clearly, and he is studious to be accurate to the Bible. Any acquaintance with Piper’s writing reveals that he is wholly committed to understanding and following the Bible and deeply absorbed with knowing the God who wrote it. That love—of God and…

  • Yes, the Reformation still matters, and here’s why

    Book Review: Why the Reformation Still Matters. Michael Reeves and Tim Chester; Crossway, 2016. “The Reformation was always intended to be an ongoing project. One of its slogans was semper reformanda, usually translated as ‘always reforming’; but a better translation may be ‘always being reformed’ (by God’s Word). It describes not a movement forward to…

  • I am not the Lone Ranger

    I have been given glorious gifts and ministries by God with which to serve him and his church. So have you. One or two of these are notably stronger than others, and I derive great joy and satisfaction from pursuing and indulging myself in them. At the same time, I am very noticeably weak in…

  • Corruption

    …but God is never interrupted. All the plots of hell and commotions on earth, have not so much as shaked God’s hand, to spoil one letter or line that he hath been drawing. The mysteriousness of his providence may hang a curtain before his work, that we cannot see what he is doing; but then…

  • Theology on fire

    Sharing music is a good thing… This blog title is borrowed from something that Kevin Twit said. He was describing hymns that combined great, biblical texts with life centred on God. The Indelible Grace website features the story of Kevin and Indelible Grace on the main page right now with commentary, interviews, and some very moving video of…

  • Truth and love

    Thank God there are those in the contemporary church who are determined at all costs to defend and uphold God’s revealed truth. But sometimes they are conspicuously lacking in love. When they think they smell heresy, their noses begin to twitch, their muscles ripple, and the light of battle enters their eye. They seem to…

  • Getting it right

    Getting it right

    A W Tozer wrote, What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us…. For this reason the gravest question before the Church is always God Himself, and the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at any given time may say or do, but…