Reading the Bible Spiritually is reading the Bible properly

John Piper is meticulous… in very good ways. He is careful to communicate clearly, and he is studious to be accurate to the Bible. Any acquaintance with Piper’s writing reveals that he is wholly committed to understanding and following the Bible and deeply absorbed with knowing the God who wrote it.

That love—of God and the Bible—permeates this book. Reading the Bible is meant to be life-challenging and life-fulfilling, directing people into worshipping and glorifying God. Piper intelligibly proceeds through the book to point his readers to a discovery of the richness, even the excitement, of how the Bible can open a whole new dimension of reading God’s word for God’s purposes—primarily his own glory—with God’s help—through the Holy Spirit.

The author reiterates his main points throughout the book, and may even seem pedantic. But this aids the reader to understand his argument and become absorbed in its movement from start to finish.

Piper never avoids the academic, interpretive aspects of understanding the Bible. Yet he does an admirable job of showing that there is far more to reading it than simply following the words and knowing its content. There is a vital supernatural element that is absolutely necessary and totally gratifying, and the author has done a laudable job of inspiring this reader to be far more conscientious in how he reads his Bible.

Highly recommended.

Thank you to Crossway for providing a complimentary copy of this book through the Blog Review Program.


