Gallery One


Gallery Two


Gallery Three


  • Reading the Bible Spiritually is reading the Bible properly

    John Piper is meticulous… in very good ways. He is careful to communicate clearly, and he is studious to be accurate to the Bible. Any acquaintance with Piper’s writing reveals that he is wholly committed to understanding and following the Bible and deeply absorbed with knowing the God who wrote it. That love—of God and…

  • The Whole Message of the Bible in 16 Words

    by Chris Bruno. Published by Crossway (Wheaton, IL) 2017. This is a wonderful book for learning how the Bible is bound together as a single dramatic story by recurring important themes. Bruno does a great job of extracting 16 themes (16 Words) and displaying each one as it is introduced in the story and then…

  • Gospel Fluency: Speaking the Truths of Jesus into the Everyday Stuff of Life

    A much-needed tool for Christian disciples. Gospel Fluency is built around a great idea to meet a great need. Too many sincere Christians are unable to translate the good news (the gospel) of Jesus Christ into meaningful communication either to themselves or to others. After all, a Christian is one who has been “made new”—transformed…

  • Yes, the Reformation still matters, and here’s why

    Book Review: Why the Reformation Still Matters. Michael Reeves and Tim Chester; Crossway, 2016. “The Reformation was always intended to be an ongoing project. One of its slogans was semper reformanda, usually translated as ‘always reforming’; but a better translation may be ‘always being reformed’ (by God’s Word). It describes not a movement forward to…

  • Overcoming Sin and Temptation

    Overcoming Sin and Temptation (Foreword by John Piper): Three Classic Works by John Owen John Owen has been on my reading list for quite some time. I have even begun to read an Owen tome more than once, only to be discouraged by his archaic and tedious style. Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor have presented…

  • A Reader’s Version

    ESV Bible, Reader’s Version (Kindle), from Crossway. Once one acquires some familiarity with reading the Bible, it is easy to be deluded into thinking that the numbering of chapters and verses is inconsequential. We simply read and pay no attention to those little numbers scattered over the page. For ease of reference, being able to…

  • A genuine treasure!

    Every Season Prayers: Gospel-Centered Prayers for the Whole of Life, by Scotty Smith. Published by Baker Books Grand Rapids), 2016. Lord, teach us to pray. May we be bold, yet never presumptuous. Help us to be confident, yet humble before you. Let our prayer be intimate and worshipful, dutiful and joyful, disciplined and hugely expectant.…

  • A prayer in the face of evil

    A prayer in the face of evil

    Our God, this morning we lift our prayers to you as our comforting King and our conquering Saviour. You have made everything and you made it “good.” But we have brought corruption into your beautiful creation, and desecrated it and ourselves. Forgive us our sins. As your redeemed children, we suffer the disdain of this…

  • A Prayer for Creatures of Desire

        Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. —Psalm 37:4 ESV   Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a…

  • I am not the Lone Ranger

    I have been given glorious gifts and ministries by God with which to serve him and his church. So have you. One or two of these are notably stronger than others, and I derive great joy and satisfaction from pursuing and indulging myself in them. At the same time, I am very noticeably weak in…