One Assembly: Rethinking the Multisite and Multiservice Church Models
Jonathon Leeman | Crossway, 2020

One assembly—one church. Two assemblies—two churches. Simple and straightforward. Biblical and effective.
Jonathon Leeman presents a careful and studied argument that each and every physical gathering of a local church is “an outpost or embassy of heaven,” wherein “the church gathering is where Christ’s kingdom becomes visible and attractive.” In contrast, the multisite and multiservice models are not supported by scripture and are counterproductive in the long run. They are on an unavoidable path that pulls attention away from Jesus and the gospel and leads to a narcissistic drift from the New Testament definition and purpose of what a church should be.
Leeman contends that multisite and multiservice models are “picking a fight with Jesus.” Strong words, and he presents a compelling argument in a pastoral and irenic manner that speaks directly to the state of the church today. This book comes from a deep love and loyalty to Jesus’ church, and deserves the urgent attention of church leaders.
Highly recommended.
Thank you to Crossway for providing a complimentary copy of this book through the Blog Review Program.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- A Church Is the Geography of Christ’s Kingdom
- A Church Is an Assembly
- A Church Should Be Catholic
- Appendix 1 New Testament Uses of Ekklēsia/“ Assembly”
- Appendix 2 Does Acts 9: 31 Refer to a Regional “Church”?
- Notes
- General Index
- Scripture Index